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Immune Building Recipes

You should strive to eat nutritionally dense foods, a large portion of which should be raw. We are going to give you some very good recipes to follow in this area. Every two weeks there should be a new recipe here for you to follow.The best diet is 80% raw and 20% cooked. There are certain foods that have to be cooked, like potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, rice, beans, lentils and some other vegetables. Most other food can be eaten in their raw state. Since most recipes are cooked, the majority of these recipes will have raw ingredients.  

There are twoGreenville Get Healthy raw food suppers a month. We have June's winning main dish recipe show above. In July we will have both the winner of main dish recipe and of the winning dessert dish recipe. If you are in the Greenville, SC area and you want to taste healthy food that is nutrient rich. Please come and join us.