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Individual Wellness

A Life of Wellness Our Life Balance Program

Living a Life of Balance

Isn't that what wellness really is? Being able to live a life of balanced healthy thoughts and actions that yield positive health result's. Our focus is to empower you through education and behavior modification so you can adapt and enjoy a healthy lifestyle. Once you understand the principles of healthy living you can tailor your life of balance to meet your needs, routines and likes. It does not matter if you travel all over the world 40 weeks a year or if you are a stay at home mom taking care of a family with 6 children, or if you are a truck driver. We can teach you how to implement this into you life regardless of your job or daily schedule. It just requires knowledge, willingness and the desire to live a life of balance and wellness.

The goals of your personalized wellness program are to radically improve your life, resolve concerns specific to you and your body and to provide you with tools for a lifetime of balance. We will work on finding the right foods for your body and the other areas of your life that feed you on the deepest levels.

This unique approach provides meaningful, lasting results. Studies show that it takes at least six months for changes in your habits to become permanent changes. Our six-month program is designed to gently and supportively help you transition to healthier lifestyle habits.

This course is delivered in an 7 week interactive lecture format, 1.5 hours per week. Each lecture class will provide a work book with life tools and a place for lecture notes.   This course can be taken individually or in group sessions (requires a minimum of 10 attendees). In person and online.


The Fat to Fit Course:

1. Thinking Your Way to a Healthy Body

2. Why America is so Sick & Why Diets Don’t Work

3. Why Nutrition is so Important

4. Identifying Healthy Foods and Unhealthy Foods

5. What Are You Eating? Reading Food Labels

6. How to Eat Healthy Away From Home

7. Managing Stress and Chronic Inflammation

8. Understanding Your Calorie Needs

9. The Need for Exercise and Antioxidants

10. How to Identify Good vs. Bad Supplements

11. Water and Sunshine

12. Review and Celebration


Some of the areas covered by the program are:

o      Determining Your Energy and Nutrient Needs

o      How to prepare foods for maximum nutrient availability for your body

o      How to match foods for maximum nutrient absorption

o      Attitudes for Success

o      Nutrition, and Your Body

o      Reading Food Labels

o      Turning Up the Metabolic Engines

o      Overcoming Life Changing Pitfalls

o      Eating Healthy at Restaurants, Events or Parties

o      Why Diets Don’t Work

o      Nutrition Supplementation

o      Movement and Its Benefits

o      Healthy Food Shopping Field Trip  ( if you are local)

This Program is going to make living healthy as easy as it can possibly be.  We provide you with a food list, shopping list, dietary tips, calorie counter, food journals, recipes and more.

Wellness, Weight Management and Lifestyle Position

Our approach factors in lifestyle choices including dietary and nutritional needs, lifestyle adjustments and an increase to adequate activity levels. Practically speaking, wellness and weight is influenced by all three of these factors and all three must be addressed for wellness and weight management to be effective.

Our goal is to provide you with tools through education, inspiration and behavior modification that empowers you to enjoy a healthy lifestyle. For this to be successful, we must tailor our approach to take into account your lifestyle, your nutritional needs and the foods and activities you enjoy. It’s all about you making smart choices. Obviously life is going to change it must for you to accomplish your goals.  We do not advocate weight lose in excess of 2 lb. per week, to do so is unhealthy and almost guarantees you will gain it back. We want your wellness and weight loss to be permanent. We encourage you to notify your doctor of your desires to make positive health changes to your life. We will be glad to share the program plan with your primary health care provider is they request it.